Tuesday, February 14, 2012


There is a new member of the 20 Year Club (our 25th member to be exact). Actually, he has been a 20 year man for some time when his career is looked at in total.

Dan Wilkins has been here for 20 years continuously since February 10th, 1992. BUT, he had worked here for most of the 1980s. This award recognizes the current stint, but we should not overlook his previous efforts.

In the time that Dan has been here he has been a machine operator, a foreman, and a technician, with most of his time spent on our 3rd shift. He has a wealth of technical experience and is always good for a hilarious story from his years of employment here.

Prior to joining us in the 1980s, he had worked at Harrison Radiator and Tonawanda Electric Steel Casting Company. Between CPI gigs he worked at Sadlo Lumber in the mill.

20 years is an incredible amount of time, and, to make you appreciate how long ago February of 1992 was, consider the following facts and happenings from that month:

Confer Plastics' biggest machine was a 30 pounder and we employed around 70 people

The European Union was formed

"I'm Too Sexy" was the #1 song

Ross Perot declared his intent to run for President

Jeffery Dahmer was sentenced to life in prison

Tiger Woods joined the PGA at 16 years of age

Barry Bonds was criticized for the biggest baseball contract ever: $4.7 million per year